Housing developments have been threatened by Beaver dam flooding, and thousands of acres of cropland and young pine plantations have been flooded by Beaver dams. Road ditches, drain pipes, and culverts have been stopped up so badly that they had to be dynamited out and replaced. Some bridges have been destroyed because of Beaver dam-building activity.
In addition, Beavers threaten human health by contaminating water supplies with Giardia. Identifying damage generally is not difficult. Signs include dams, dammed-up culverts, bridges, or drain pipes resulting in flooded lands, timber, roads, and crops, cut-down or girdled trees and crops, lodges and burrows in ponds, reservoir levees, and dams. In large watersheds, it may be difficult to locate bank dens. However, the limbs, cuttings, and debris around such areas as well as dams along tributaries usually help pinpoint the area.
Serving the Following Areas for Beaver Control:
Services available statewide in Maine, New Jersey and New York